I've gone public. I was asked to do papelpicado for a home in Alamo Heights. Well I went big papelpicado on wood. Instillation for celebrating Fiesta in the Alamo City 2012.
Born and raised in South Texas, and currently based in San Antonio, TX, Toro received his B.F.A. from the San Antonio Art Institute and an M.F.A. from Ravenherst University in the Netherlands. He has participated in group art exhibits at The Blue Star Arts Center, San Antonio, TX, The Museum of Modern Art, Tamprre, Finland, the Galleria Amores in Mexico City, as well at MexicArte Museum, Austin, TX. Toro has completed solo projects at the Museum of the West in Oslo, Norway and at the Naticional Acadamy of Art in Helsinki, Finland and is part of the permanent collection of the University of Texas in San Antonio.