Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Prospero Ano Nuevo

The Protector
12" x 12" on Gessobord
Egg Tempera, Tissue Paper and Brushed Sterling Silver with Decorative Metal Inserts.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Altar of Saint Francis of Assisi

Altar of Saint Francis of Assisi, 12” x 12” on Gessobord, Rose Petals with Egg Tempera, Tissue Paper and Brushed Silver

This modern altar interpretation is in honor of Saint Fancis of Assisi was sold at Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin Texas. The altar is made on a 12"x 12" Gessoboard. The professional quality acid-free panels used by Jesus Toro Martinez is Gessobord, made in Austin, Texas was generously donated by Ampersand to the Museum so artist can use for the Mix "N" Mash Exhibit. Mexic-Arte Museum invited over 100 local and regional artists to create works of art on 12" x 12" panels to create their own artistic ideas.

MIX 'N' MASH Exhibit will continue showing till December 31, at Mexic-Arte Museum, Austin Texas. For more information about the show or museum hours call or email the museum at info@mexic-artemuseum.org 512-480-9373

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dia de las Guadalupanas

Our Lady of Tepeyac with rose peddles in the sky, 12"x12", Mix Media on Gessoborad created for the Mix "N" Mash Exhibit 12/2009.
Her celebration was wonderful. It opened earlyer in the month with rose fragrances and lots of rose peddles that where splashed with true gold. Her image is showing today at the Mexic-Arte Museum till December 31. The official Mexican and Mexican American Fine Art Museum of Texas, 419 Congress Ave, Austin Texas.
For more information call (512) 480-937 http://www.mexic-artemuseum.org/